Tips for unclogging pipes

Blog section May. 17 2023If your pipes are clogged, there are many different ways to unclog them yourself before you need to call in a professional if the problem persists.
In most cases, the slowness of water flow should make you aware of it.
Let's look at some of the methods for removing a plug
Pour boiling water
Since most corks are caused by an accumulation of food scraps (if it is the sink in your kitchen), or hair and soaps (if it is the sink in your bathroom), it is a fairly effective way to dilute this type of product if the cap is not too large.
Suction cup and disassembly of the siphon
The suction cup can save you money in some cases but its effectiveness is not guaranteed.
This is why you can combine this with the disassembly of the siphon to remove the bulk of the cap by yourself.
If the previous methods have failed, the ferret is the next solution that you should try and which is the logical continuation.
It is a long metal rod with a tip with spikes to dislocate the caps.
The crank allows the ferret to be pushed into any pipe and its flexible metal rod allows it to penetrate anywhere.
If none of the above solutions have worked, consider using a high-pressure cleaner, which usually provides a radical and effective solution.
You can rent such a device and send pressurized water into your pipes.
You can finally buy commercially available specialty chemicals to attack a stubborn cork.
Made of highly caustic soda or acid, these products are not to be placed in any hands and can be dangerous if handled without prior precautions.
However, be aware that these chemical drain cleaners are bad for the environment: they affect water quality and can also seriously affect your health.
Overcoming traffic jams, yes, but at what cost?
Create your own product with natural methods
In this case, mixing baking soda and white vinegar may be a solution to consider.
The mixture should be left to work for 30 minutes and then rinsed in boiling water.
If foam forms, it is normal and it comes from the chemical reaction caused by the assembly of these ingredients.
However, the best way to avoid traffic jams is to be careful not to let hair, hair and other food products go directly into the sink.
Remember to install a grid to retain them and preserve your pipes.
Emptying your plates before putting them in the sink can also help.
To fight against possible unpleasant odours due to the decomposition of this organic waste in your pipes, remember to pour a handful of coffee grounds into your pipes.
This also makes it possible to remove potential residues.